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Keynote: In Memory of Geoff Zeiss: Minnesota Utility Mapping Project

Decorative image for session Keynote: In Memory of Geoff Zeiss: Minnesota Utility Mapping Project

Mon statut pour la session

10:00 AM, Mardi 16 Mai 2023 EDT (30 minutes)
  Session virtuelle
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Geoff Zeiss was an instrumental influencer for the Minnesota Utility Mapping Project (MN UMP). The goals of the MN UMP are to 1.) increase the accuracy of underground utility maps, 2.) provide for a method of viewing this data in relation to a "One-call" excavation area, and 3.)reduce underground utility damages. This viewed utility mapping data is supplemental to the "One-call" process. Founded in 2020, the Minnesota Underground Mapping Project completed the Phase 1 prototype for viewing the utility maps in September 2022. The full-scale development of the open source FuzionView software is in progress. This presentation will describe the FuzionView system, provide a demonstration, and describe the next steps for industry testing, verification and adoption.

Barb Cederberg

Invité.e d'honneur

Personnes inscrites

Bob Basques
Technical Director
Kindred Bang
Policy Analyst
Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety
Stephen Lai
Data Manager
data manager

Mon statut pour la session


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