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The SAIT Connector - Using the Power of Tech & Interdisciplinary Learning

Decorative image for session The SAIT Connector - Using  the Power of Tech & Interdisciplinary Learning

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3:00 PO POŁUDNIU, wtorek 7 lis 2023 MST (25 min.)
Big Four Roadhouse - Career Theatre
The SAIT Connector is an active learning space for all apprentices and students at SAIT. It acts as a drop-in space and learning hub where students and faculty from any SAIT program can learn to apply high-tech equipment like drones, XR, 3D scanners, high-grade sensors, cameras and any other specialized equipment you may be interested in to solve problems and challenges. Thanks to industry partners, our collection of aerial and terrestrial data capture hardware along with advanced software platforms has greatly expanded over the past 12 months – all in-house and ready to use!

Over the past year, and into the foreseeable future, we have focused on getting hard-to-find and specialized data capture equipment in the hands of students and faculty and mentor them on becoming efficient in collection methods, processing, analyzing and representing their data. Last year 24 capstone projects and 90 students from across SAIT applied this technology into some aspect of their projects! We help faculty and students complete projects, organize classroom activities using real gear, or showcase live field demonstrations. We also have a large list of industry partners that provide us with capstone project ideas, sponsorship and mentorship as well as gaining access to working constructions sites to enhance your understanding of the challenges and opportunities in construction.

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