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Nicole Yeung

Elementy, w których Nicole Yeung attends

środa 21 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:30 - 12:00 | 30 min.

The Canadian Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (NRCan) continues its work to implement the National Elevation Data Strategy. Through this strategy, one of NRCan's goal is to provide Canadians with an accurate three-dimensional representation of the country, in support of government priorities such as flood mapping. Because of the enormous task of obtaining a high-precision and up-to-date national elevation layer, NRCan works with different entities.The data coverage of the st...

czwartek 22 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
14:00 - 14:30 | 30 min.

For nearly 50 years, geomatics representatives from Canadian provinces and territories have collaborated together and with the federal government on geomatics initiatives. This presentation will explore why such a council came to be and why its work matters to the Canadian geomatics sector and citizens alike. While the geomatics sector and the world we live in continue to change, the need for coordination across jurisdictions remains crucial to support decision-making and response to share...

piątek 23 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:45 - 11:15 | 30 min.

In this presentation by Avenza Systems, we will be showcasing how high quality cartographic outputs after your data analysis can actually be achieved! We will demonstrate how to develop and design a map from raw statistical census data in Adobe Illustrator by leveraging the geospatial functionalities of MAPublisher - the industry-standard cartography solution for high quality graphical output. We’ll show how GIS data can be imported, managed, and transformed on-the-fly all d...

11:30 - 12:00 | 30 min.

In 2003, when GISPartner entered the business Poland was still far behind more developed countries in terms of IT implementation. In 2021 the gap is incomparably smaller and some of Polish IT solutions are widely used across the globe. When public administration is considered, it was also GISPartner, which greatly contributed into transforming paper & stamps into high-class software solutions. We want to share our thoughts on how clever, tailor-made IT solutions are driving this transf...

12:30 - 13:00 | 30 min.

With rapid advances in Earth observation, cloud computing, and analytics technologies, more information on our changing world is more readily available than ever before. Planet is an aerospace and data analytics company at the forefront of these advances -- working to make global change visible, accessible, and actionable, Planet images the full Earth daily at 3.5m resolution and anywhere sub-daily at <50cm. In this talk, we’ll hear from Tara O’Shea, Planet’s Director of Forest Programs, o...

13:15 - 13:45 | 30 min.

The Government of Canada and organizations such as the UN recognize the critical role of standards in geographic information and geomatics to support stewardship and interoperability of information, ensuring that organizations access, use and share geospatial data efficiently and effectively to support program and service delivery to Citizens. The data inventory/catalogue and the supporting standards are foundational components of any national geospatial information framework. As such, wel...

14:45 - 15:45 | 1 godz.

Join GeoIgnite for this inaugural panel of provincial and territorial geospatial and location technology leaders.We will be discussing issues surrounding: What are main priorities and challenges across jurisdictions? What types of geospatial tools we use to monitor and respond to key challenges like emergency response? How are jurisdictions aligning geospatial tools, data, and people to address climate change? What are some current data...

poniedziałek 26 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
14:00 - 16:00 | 2 godz.

PLEASE NOTE THE PREFERRED BROWSER IS GOOGLE CHROME. If you are running into any issues accessing the session, please try logging in via Google Chrome.The use of drones or UAVs has expanded dramatically over the last few years and this technology is rapidly permeating a wide variety of professional disciplines and industries, including the broad field of GIS. Ideally suited for on-demand geospatial data collection, drones can effectively eliminate the logjam tha...

środa 28 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:00 - 12:00 | 2 godz.

Tickets for this workshop must be claimed in advance.At a time of rising climate change impacts, there is a vital and growing need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters. But there is a critical communication gap between authorities and citizens.Drawing on the ongoing results of our massive multi-year climate change R&D project, and with assistance from hundreds of students, citizens...

13:00 - 16:00 | 3 godz.

Tickets for this seminar must be claimed in advance.GeoIgnite , and Peggy March, Paul VanZant, Dr. Lynn Moorman, Dr. Gordon Osinski, Dave MacLean, Dr. Trevor Bell, Jonathan Murphy, and Ewan Geddes, all Fellows of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, in conjunction with Canadian Geographic Education , invite you to this event. The purpose is to showcase and raise awareness ...

13:30 - 13:50 | 20 min.

Sometimes your vision of what your career path will be and what it actually ends up being can be quite different from one another. Dr. Tanya Harrison will discuss her somewhat non-traditional and non-linear pathway through academia and into the space industry, focusing on topics such as transferable skill sets and not being afraid to take a detour—or a different path entirely—if an opportunity or speed bump arise.

14:10 - 14:30 | 20 min.

SmartICE is an internationally recognized work integration social enterprise (WISE) that empowers Indigenous communities to adapt to increasingly unpredictable ice conditions. It is the world’s first climate change adaptation to integrate Indigenous knowledge of ice safety and travel with advanced data acquisition and remote monitoring technology. As a social innovator, SmartICE harnesses the vast potential of Indigenous women and men—especially youth—to embrace science, technology and tra...

14:40 - 14:50 | 10 min.

Geography plays an important role in being a parent and a teacher. Developing geographical perspectives gives a sense of understanding cultural connections and the complexity of building relationships. The connections of understanding the purpose of our actions towards physical and human sustainability. It is a lens of perspective understanding that defines human actions and connections.

czwartek 29 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
12:00 - 14:00 | 2 godz.

The Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA), is a National non-profit organization that helps advance geographic education in Canada through the use of mapping technology. We host annual cartography related conference and events, and promote geography awareness through scholarship and awards. CAA membership is open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of mapping. If you have a passion for maps then we encourage you to check out our website https://cca-acc....

12:15 - 12:45 | 30 min.

A look at the subsurface infrastructure that is far greater in size than the surface transportation systems. This other infrastructure is just as critical to our economy by providing the utilities that we take for granted.. This buried infrastructure is aging, becoming dilapidated and desperately in need of repair and replacement. It is what lies beneath our roads and railways systems and comprises our utility and pipeline systems. ProStar’s CEO and Founder Page Tucker will look at this va...

14:00 - 16:00 | 2 godz.

Tickets for this workshop must be claimed in advance.This workshop will offer a deep-dive into the Avenza Maps app, a mobile app where users can upload or access custom maps for off-line navigation, way-finding, and data collection. The workshop will be composed of 5 modules covering the fundamentals of the apps usage, as well as more advanced industry-relevant features. We will also provide a walkthrough of using the Av...

piątek 30 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:00 - 14:30 | 3 godz. 30 min.

Tickets for this workshop must be claimed in advance.This half-day workshop cuts through the theory and fluff to present, in practical terms, the essential practices for successful GIS project planning and management. Its intent is to provide project managers, teams, and stakeholders with the key actions methods, and tools to launch and execute successful projects --delivering results on time and on budget providing valuable...