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Nate Currit

Texas State University

Elementy, w których Nate Currit attends

środa 21 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:45 - 11:15 | 30 min.

Do you know what the geospatial product trap is? We fall in love with the technology, not the problem. I am a lucky person. My job has evolved to one where I primarily get to talk about geospatial technology all day. I could be scoping out internal or external projects or evaluating technologies. Increasingly, I provide advice on product ideas. This final situation has forced me to consider the nature of our community-of-practice. The common assumption that geospatial ...

12:30 - 13:00 | 30 min.

Over the past year, Minerva Intelligence, a Vancouver-based cognitive AI company, has been awarded two contracts with Natural Resources Canada to design schemas at a national level: the National Flood Hazard Data Layer (NFHDL) and the National Hydro Network V2 (NHNv2). You might be asking yourself why an AI company is designing and building these important database structures. Minerva's cognitive AI system makes use of semantically inoperable data in knowledge graphs and has designed syste...

czwartek 22 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:30 - 12:00 | 30 min.

Join us April 22nd for a Fireside Chat with Dr. Steve Liang, Founder and CTO of SensorUp. Professor and Rogers IoT Research Chair at University of Calgary and Dr. Nadine Alameh the OGC’s Chief Executive Office (CEO).Steve's goal is to disrupt the silos of the Internet of Things by creating, using, and implementing open and interoperable standards and products for device-cloud communications and cloud-cloud communications. Steve is chairing and the editor of several key IoT enabling...

12:00 - 12:45 | 45 min.

In this presentation, Dr. Walter Scott will compare the satellite imaging constellations of Maxar and other commercial companies to show how they stack up in three key metrics: product-market fit, adaptability and capital efficiency. He will also share some key insights on the next generation of Earth Intelligence arriving in 2021 with the launch of WorldView Legion, and what impact that will have for the Canadian geospatial market in the months and years ahead.

14:00 - 14:30 | 30 min.

For nearly 50 years, geomatics representatives from Canadian provinces and territories have collaborated together and with the federal government on geomatics initiatives. This presentation will explore why such a council came to be and why its work matters to the Canadian geomatics sector and citizens alike. While the geomatics sector and the world we live in continue to change, the need for coordination across jurisdictions remains crucial to support decision-making and response to share...

15:30 - 16:30 | 1 godz.

With PetaBytes of data flowing out of Low Earth Orbit everyday, the opportunity afforded by Earth Observation seems to be greater than ever. But is our community realizing that opportunity yet? Are there winners? How should we be thinking about EO businesses in the roaring 2020s?

piątek 23 kwiecień, 2021

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
12:30 - 13:00 | 30 min.

With rapid advances in Earth observation, cloud computing, and analytics technologies, more information on our changing world is more readily available than ever before. Planet is an aerospace and data analytics company at the forefront of these advances -- working to make global change visible, accessible, and actionable, Planet images the full Earth daily at 3.5m resolution and anywhere sub-daily at <50cm. In this talk, we’ll hear from Tara O’Shea, Planet’s Director of Forest Programs, o...

14:00 - 14:30 | 30 min.

This talk will be bringing together the power of location intelligence and blockchain technology for an increased speed and accuracy of transactions and improved decision-making.The value that blockchain brings to geospatial technology is security, immutability, and trusted data. On the other hand, geospatial technology provides the power of location to the blockchain. Together, they represent a game-changer both for their utility and disrupt...