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Michelle Poirier

Geomatics Advisor
Uczestniczy w 1 Element
Michelle Poirier is a Geomatics Advisor at Natural Resources Canada. She has 20 years of experience in geography and geomatics and in her current capacity at the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, she supports stakeholder engagement activities and provides technical and policy advice to Public Safety Canada in the area of flood mapping.

Michelle represents NRCan with respect to the National Disaster Mitigation program (NDMP) at various forums, committees and working groups and provides advice and program information to the federal Flood Mapping Committee, Public Safety Canada, industry stakeholders, management and NDMP project proponents. preparing information and materials for project planning, reporting and engagement.

Michelle leads the development of guidelines on floodplain mapping in consultation with experts and stakeholders.

Additionally, Michelle provides expert technical review and advice for NDMP project proposal applications and follows-up with successful project proponents and stakeholders to ensure data sharing, monitoring use of guidelines.

Elementy, w których Michelle Poirier uczestniczy

środa 19 czerwiec, 2019

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
15:00 - 15:30 | 30 min.
Challenges and Opportunities: Canadian Geospatial Foundations

Natural Resources Canada provides mapping and engineering advice and expertise to Public Safety Canada in support of the National Disaster Mitigation Program. Notably, NRCan develops the Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines Series and is nearing publication on two documents that will move Canada closer to having common practices for flood risk: • The Federal Hydrologic and Hydraulic Procedures for Flood Hazard Delineation, and • The Federal Geomatics Guideli...