Joshua Lieberman
Josh Lieberman develops, leads, and manages OGC Collaborative Innovation and Solutions (COSI) Program initiatives. Originally trained as a geologist and environmental scientist, Josh has been involved in OGC both as a member and as an initiative architect for more than two decades while serving as principal at Tumbling Walls, senior geospatial analysis manager at Deloitte, and lead architect at Traverse Technologies and Syncline. He is also a senior researcher at the Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis and has taught graduate classes at Harvard and UMBC. Josh currently leads and/or coordinates the COSI initiatives Disaster Pilot 2023, Testbed 19, and OGC's participation in the NSF-funded I-GUIDE and UNUM projects. He is always seeking to develop future IP initiatives and support engagement with OGC standards activities such as MUDDI, GeoPose, GeoDatacube, and others.
Sessions in which Joshua Lieberman participates
terça-feira 16 maio, 2023
Every year the vast majority of seemingly routine street excavations occurring around the world are adversely impacted by lack of usable information about buried utility infrastructure. Large-scale construction projects are frequently stalled, incurring delay claims and change orders that significantly increase costs, because the locations of utility installations were never properly recorded or depicted. Bid costs may be increased by a minimum of 10-30% for cont...