Jaap-Henk Hoepman (1966) is currently a guest professor at the PRISEC - Privacy And Security group of Karlstad University, Sweden.
He is also an associate professor at the Digital Security group of the Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, working for the iHub, the interdisciplinary research hub on Digitalization and Society. He is also an associate professor in the IT Law section of the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. Moreover he is a principal scientist (and former scientific director and co-founder) of the Privacy & Identity Lab.
He studies privacy by design and privacy friendly protocols for identity management and the Internet of Things. He speaks on these topics at national and international congresses and publishes papers in (inter)national journals. He also appears in the media as security and privacy expert, and writes about his research in the popular press. He is actively involved in the public debate concerning security and privacy in our society.
In October 2021 his book Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design appeared at MIT Press.
In his free time he enjoys making composing music, designing graphics, cooking, and practising Okinawan Goju Ryu karate-do.
Sessions in which Jaap-Henk Hoepman participates
Tuesday 5 April, 2022
Wednesday 6 April, 2022
This session will be the opportunity to deepen the main aspects of Data Protection by Design in Practice.