COVID-19 and Data Protection: Lessons Learned / COVID-19 e protezione dei dati: lezioni apprese nell’emergenza [EN/IT]
My Session Status
Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we have reached an appropriate standpoint during which to reflect on the lessons we have learnt so far. On a pan-European level, we witnessed the introduction of parallel measures such as legislative proposals, states of emergency, passenger locator forms, contact tracing applications, digital certificates, and vaccination mandates. But what has been the outcome of these measures? What are the key takeaways, especially for data protection? This panel will seek to uncover these questions, drawing on perspectives from data protection authorities, EU institutions, and academia. It will provide insight into what the biggest successes of data protection laws were in the context of increased use of personal data for health purposes, while also shedding light on the challenges that arose along the way. It will conclude by drawing on the lessons learnt, to consider how global actors can better prepare for a future pandemic by considering what infrastructure and governance mechanisms need to be in place to increase societal resilience while safeguarding and protecting the way that personal data is used.