Ms Nadia Giusti
Nadia Giusti assists Siemens R&D Department with cybersecurity and data privacy matters. Her specific support covers different aspects of cybersecurity, personal data protection, Artificial Intelligence, compliance topics, Secure Architecture & Design, Cloud Security and Asset Classification.
Her experience in privacy and cybersecurity also crosses over automotive, aerospace and pharmaceutical industry.
Nadia joined Siemens in 2005, started as software architect. She achieved a Master Degree with Informatics Engineering in Industrial Automation. Nadia is certified ISO 27001 Auditor, ISC(2) Certified in Cybersecurity (CC), IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional - Europe (CIPP/E), TUV Privacy Officer e Consulente della Privacy (CDP). She is part of the EDPB Support Pool of Experts, and she is member of Asso DPO, Officine Dati and Fedeprivacy, where she is part of the Cybersecurity and the facilitation of the exercise of the interested party's rights working group. From 2022, she is co-chair of the IAPP Rome KnowledgeNet Chapter.
Nadia Giusti assiste il reparto R&S di Siemens in materia di cybersecurity e privacy dei dati. Il suo supporto specifico copre diversi aspetti della cybersecurity, della protezione dei dati personali, dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, delle tematiche di compliance, dell'architettura e del design sicuri, della sicurezza del cloud e della classificazione degli asset.
La sua esperienza in materia di privacy e cybersecurity si estende anche all'industria automobilistica, aerospaziale e farmaceutica.
Nadia è entrata in Siemens nel 2005, iniziando come architetto software. Ha conseguito una laurea specialistica in Ingegneria Informatica in Automazione Industriale. Nadia è certificata ISO 27001 Auditor, ISC(2) Certified in Cybersecurity (CC), IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional - Europe (CIPP/E), TUV Privacy Officer e Consulente della Privacy (CDP). Fa parte dell'EDPB Support Pool of Experts, ed è membro di Asso DPO, Officine Dati e Fedeprivacy, dove fa parte del gruppo di lavoro Cybersecurity e facilitazione dell'esercizio dei diritti dell'interessato. Dal 2022 è co-presidente dello IAPP Rome KnowledgeNet Chapter.
Sessions in which Ms Nadia Giusti participates
Wednesday 19 April, 2023
Sessions in which Ms Nadia Giusti attends
Monday 17 April, 2023
The Welcome Desk to collect your badge and conference bags is available from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm from Monday 17 to Friday 21 April in Spazi Espositivi Room at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dorsoduro 3246 – 30123 Venice.
This session will discuss new trends around standards and certification in and for cybersecurity.
We will wait for you at the Caffè Margaret DuChamp located at D. Duro 3019 on Campo Santa Margherita as of 6.00pm.
Tuesday 18 April, 2023
The Welcome Desk to collect your badge and conference bags is available from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm from Monday 17 to Friday 21 April in Spazi Espositivi Room at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dorsoduro 3246 – 30123 Venice. However, on Tuesday ...
Sicurezza della catena di fornitura ICT, conoscere e gestire in modo efficace il rischio Nella complessa realtà attuale il processo di esternalizzazione di una parte della gestione dei servizi ICT è da ritenersi scontato: l’affermazione crescente di piattaforme elaborative basate su servizi cloud ha impresso al mercato una rapida crescita, che nella maggior parte dei casi non risu...
For morning coffee breaks from Monday 17 to Friday 21 April, vouchers will be available to enjoy a typical Italian coffee at Caffè Rosso if you attend the sessions at Santa Margherita Auditorium or at Venice Eat if you attend the sessions at Ca’ Foscari or Ca' Dolfin.In addition we will also offer a coffee break at Scuola Grande di San Rocco on Tuesday 18 April.
The buffet lunch will take place at Scuola Grande di San Rocco.
We will have inaugurate the second edition of the Privacy Symposium on Tuesday 18th of April and enjoy the Official Welcome Reception at Scuola Grande di San Rocco at 6:00 pm.This Reception will take place In this magnificent building, dating back to the 15th century with of numerous artworks by the famous Venetian painter TintorettoFor your co...
Wednesday 19 April, 2023
For morning coffee breaks from Monday 17 to Friday 21 April, vouchers will be available to enjoy a typical Italian coffee at Caffè Rosso if you attend the sessions at Santa Margherita Auditorium or at Venice Eat if you attend the sessions at Ca’ Foscari or Ca' Dolfin.
Technology is at the heart of the most important social and economic advances of the last 20 years. It is an enabler of the digital transformation that is set to enrich how we live and work. It is also often at the centre of controversy over how and for what purpose it collects, generates or uses data. This session will explore the inextricable link between digital transformation and privacy, and the European measures that hope to level the...
The buffet lunch will take place at the Court and the Spazi Espositivi at Ca’ Foscari University next to the Welcome and Registration Desk.
Technical and Legal Aspects Relating to the (Re)Use of Health Data when Repurposing Machine Learning Models in the EU
Thursday 20 April, 2023
For morning coffee breaks from Monday 17 to Friday 21 April, vouchers will be available to enjoy a typical Italian coffee at Caffè Rosso if you attend the sessions at Santa Margherita Auditorium or at Venice Eat if you attend the sessions at Ca’ Foscari or Ca' Dolfin.
Join a group of national security experts from Europe and United States to continue the conversation from last year's panel about protecting data privacy in national security to focus this year's discussion on "Oversight" to understand how our countries ensure that privacy safeguards are followed.
The buffet lunch will take place at the Court and the Spazi Espositivi at Ca’ Foscari University next to the Welcome and Registration Desk.