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NGI Atlantic Results Showcase

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5:15 PM, Wednesday 22 Jun 2022 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Croke Park Conference Centre - Hogan Mezzanine 1
Cross-Atlantic Research Perspectives1. Next-Generation IoT, Research and Cross-Atlantic Cooperation

In the European Commission’s NGI Initiative, coupled with the National Science Foundation’s support through a dedicated Dear Colleague Letter, through the project, there have been over thirty EU – US projects over 5 open calls funded since 2020 in topics related to the development of a next generation human – centric Internet. The session will showcase a number of the successful EU – US projects with representatives from both the EU and US participating in the panel in an interactive format.

Session organisers: team: Jim Clarke, Micheál Crotty, Cristina Mancarella, and David Kennedy.

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