MARCO SCIALDONE - lawyer and adjunct professor of law and management of digital content and services at European University of Rome. PhD in legal categories and technologies, he sits on the scientific committee of The Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation (IIP) and he’s member of the advisory board of the NOVA Ipsi Knowledge Center at Nova School of Law in Lisbon, and of the editorial board of the Metaverse and Virtual Transformation journal. He is currently head of litigation & academic outreach at Euroconsumers, the main international group of consumer organizations, uniting Test-Aankoop / Test-Achats (Belgium), Altroconsumo (Italy), DECOProteste (Portugal), OCU (Spain), Proteste (Brazil). Marco Scialdone’s books in the recent years, as editor, author or co-author: "My data is mine. AI, Data Protection and a digital society" (Giuffrè 2024 - to be published in may 2024), "Digital Services Act e Digital Markers Act. Definizioni e prime applicazioni dei nuovi regolamenti europei" (Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act: Definitions and Initial Implementations of the New European Regulations, Giuffrè 2023), "Exploring the Questions and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Generative Models in Europe" (International Journal of Knowledge Processing Studies, 3(3), 2023), "Questions and Challenges of AI Generative Models" (MediaLaws - Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective, 2023), "Vivere con l’Intelligenza Artificiale: Società, consumatori e mercato” (Living with Artificial Intelligence: Society, Consumers, and the Market, Express Edizioni, 2021), "Intelligenza artificiale e diritto d’autore: la tutela giuridica della creatività non umana", in the book edited by G. Taddei Elmi e Alfonso Contaldo, "Intelligenza Artificiale. Algoritmi giuridici, ius condendum o “fantadiritto”? (chapter on Artificial Intelligence and copyright, Pacini Giuridica, 2020), "Il caso Loomis e la calcolabilità giuridica", in the book "Interpretazione della legge con modelli matematici e giustizia predittiva, Atti del convegno tenutosi il 19 ottobre 2018 presso l’Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Giovanni Treccani (essay on artificial intelligence and justice, Diritto Avanzato Edizioni, 2019), La tutela giuridica degli User Generated Content (The legal protection of User Generated Content, GEDI, 2018).
Sessions in which Mr Marco Scialdone participates
miércoles 12 junio, 2024
jueves 13 junio, 2024
Introduction With the Digital Markets Act (DMA) shaping the rules governing online platforms, businesses must adapt to new compliance requirements in this evolving regulatory environment. This session offers a deep dive into the DMA’s provision, their potential impact, and strategies for ensuring compliance in a rapidly changing regulatory world.
Introduction With the adoption of AI-related regulations, this session focuses on the critical imperative of making AI trustable, transparent, understandable, and accountable, as it continues to be integrated in various aspects of society. The speakers will explore strategies and practices for achieving these goals, by empowering organizations and professionals to benefit from the ful...
The panel will delve into the intersection of data protection and sustainable AI development. Panelists will examine critical topics such as the legal implications of publicly available data usage, the role of synthetic data in shaping AI's future, strategies for sustainable Generative AI, and broader considerations of fairness, privacy, and policy in AI innovation. The panel will also serve as the platform for the launch of th...