Mr Félicien Vallet
Félicien Vallet is Head of AI department at the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the French data protection authority. His role is to coordinate the actions related to Artificial Intelligence within the institution. Félicien Vallet is also a regular contributor to the LINC, CNIL's Digital Innovation Laboratory. Before joining the CNIL, he was a researcher at the French National Audiovisual Institute (INA) and was particularly interested in issues relating to automatic information extraction, multimedia content analysis and speech signal processing. He holds engineering and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from Télécom Paris (obtained in 2007 and 2011 respectively).
Sessions in which Mr Félicien Vallet participates
miércoles 12 junio, 2024
Introduction With the proliferation of artificial intelligence technologies, challenges are inevitable to ensure that data practices comply with evolving legal requirements while utilizing the potential of AI innovation to the maximum capacity. With this session, the speakers will explore the integration of AI legal frameworks into data protection compliance programs.
jueves 13 junio, 2024
Introduction Generative AI drives innovation in various sectors, but compliance with the GDPR presents both future challenges and future opportunities. In this session, the speakers will analyze the relationship between generative AI and the GDPR, in addition to presenting pathways for using generative AI while highlighting best practices, legal considerations, and ethical application...
Introduction An increasing number of regulations are being adopted in diverse jurisdictions to regulate artificial intelligence and address the challenges and opportunities presented by this transformative technology. This session will discuss AI evolution, with a particular focus on the convergences and divergences among regulations. Are we heading towards similar rules? The speakers...