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Mr Angelo Del Giudice

Sectoral Referent for Industry and Digital Trust

Master degree in Environmental engineering, specialist in Energy and Environment

After a first period in University’s research and in the manufacturing industry, 10-years experienced in the TIC (Testing, Inspection, Certification) sector, acting mainly in the field of Product/Service certification and Persons certification in voluntary and regulated areas.

Working for Accredia, The Italian accreditation body according to Reg. CE 765/2008, since 2019 with the role of Sectoral Referent for Industry and Digital Trust, Technical Officer. Lead Assessor for several accreditation scheme. Responsible for coordination and development of new accreditation and certification scheme in the field of Industry and Digital in Product certification, Persons certification, Management Systems certification and Inspection fields; relantionship with National Authorities and Scheme Owners; attendance in EA/IAF working group and standardization technical committees national or international (ISO). EA Peer Evaluator qualified. Contributed to the evaluation of EUROPRIVACY Certification Scheme for accreditation purpose according to ISO/IEC 17065.