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Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke

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Professor of Applied Computer Science
Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg - UAS (BHH)
Participates in 1 Session

Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke has been Professor of Applied Computer Science at BHH Hamburg University of Applied Sciences since August 2021. In the period from 2005 - 2021, he taught and researched at the Institute of Technical Education and Higher Education Didactics in the field of subject-specific teacher training for vocational schools with the fields of media technology and electrical engineering information technology. In 2014, he received his doctorate as Dr. rer. pol. with the thesis "Quality of professional standards". He completed his studies in 2004 with the first state examination for teaching at vocational schools in the fields of wood and plastics technology and computer science, in 1999 he completed his vocational training as a cabinetmaker with distinction.

Sessions in which Prof. Dr. Henning Klaffke participates

lunes 10 junio, 2024

Zona horaria: (GMT+01:00) Rome
4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | 1 hour
Scientific Track

Network information systems are turned into a commodity. Virtually all businesses depend on their trustworthy and reliable function. Hence, we observe an increasing demand of ICT professionals with operationalizable knowledgeable in IT security and privacy.This closing panel of our scientific track aims to explore the challenges and opportunities in preparing the future workforce with the necessary skills to address privacy and cybersecurity threats effectively.To this end, th...