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Neuro Privacy and Neuro Rights

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11:00 AM, miércoles 12 jun 2024 (1 hour)
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna
Innovative Technologies


In this intriguing session, the realm of neuro privacy and neuro psychological rights will be the main focus. As advancements in neuroscience unlock new insights into the human brain, questions arise about the ethical considerations of accessing and utilizing neural data. The speakers will explore the relationship between neuroscience, privacy, and fundamental human rights, while examining the emerging challenges and future visions in protecting cognitive privacy.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the ethical considerations surrounding collection, analysis, and use of neural data?  
  • What role do emerging neuro technologies play in shaping the landscape of neuro privacy? 
  • What are the current frameworks protecting neuro privacy rights and preventing potential abuses? 
  • How can individuals be empowered to exercise their neuro psychological rights?  

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