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Extending Cooperation Among European DPAs Beyond the EU Framework

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11:00 AM, miércoles 12 jun 2024 (2 hours)
Lunch Break at San Giovanni Evangelista   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Deep Dive In
Capacity Buildinginternational cooperation


While the GDPR has established a powerful mechanism to reinforce cooperation for data protection among EU an EEA Member States, major European countries, such as UK, Switzerland, and others, are not associated to this cooperation mechanism. They often benefit from adequacy decisions but are not involved in EDPB discussions. This session will explore the potential to reinforce cooperation among data protection authorities beyond the EU framework, as well as open the floor to ideas and suggestions to reinforce cooperation. 

Key questions and objectives 

  • Why are international and regional cooperations important for data protection authorities? 
  • What are the current mechanisms and channels for cooperation among European DPAs beyond the EU framework?  
  • What could be done to reinforce this cooperation?  

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