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Ms Alisa Vekeman

Policy Officer
EC DG Justice
Participe à 3 sessions

Alisa Vekeman is a member of the international data flows and protection unit in the Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the European Commission. She acted as co-lead on the modernisation of the standard contractual clauses and the adequacy talks with South Korea, and co-leads on transatlantic data flows. Prior to joining the European Commission, Alisa worked for the EU Delegation to the Council of Europe, where she followed the negotiations on the modernised Council of Europe Convention 108.


Sessions auxquelles Ms Alisa Vekeman participe

Vendredi 21 Avril, 2023

Fuseau horaire: (GMT+01:00) Rome
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM | 45 minutes
International Cooperation In Practice - the Way Forward
international cooperationRegulatory evolutionData protection in practiceFundamental rightsConvention 108+Cross-border data transfers
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM | 45 minutes
International Cooperation In Practice - the Way Forward
international cooperationData protection in practiceFundamental rightsCross-border data transfers