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Honorable Minister Carlo Nordio

Minister of Justice
Italian Ministry of Justice

Carlo Nordio was born in Treviso on February 6, 1947 and was sworn in as the 43rd Minister of Justice of the Italian Republic on 22 October 2022. He obtained a High School Diploma in classical studies in 1965. He graduated in law from the University of Padua with flying colours in 1970. He became an Attorney at law in 1973 and joined the judiciary in 1977. He always practiced in Venice. Here below are his most important functions and investigations: 

• Criminal court associate judge: trial of the Peteano massacre case in 1979. 

• Investigating Judge: he conducted an investigation into the arm of the Red Brigades in the Veneto region between 1980 and 1982 

• Deputy Public Prosecutor from 1982. Investigation into the branch of the Red Brigades operating in the Veneto region; investigation into kidnappings between 1986 and 1989; investigation into the so-called Tangentopoli [Bribesville] in the Veneto region, and the red cooperatives between 1992 and 1998.

• In 2009 he was appointed Assistant Prosecutor and coordinated the investigation into Mose. He was a consultant on the Parliamentary Committee on Terrorism and Massacres, the Anti-Mafia Committee, and the Parliamentary Committee of inquiry into the death of D. Rossi. 

Between 2002 and 2006 he was the Chairman of the Criminal Code Reform Committee. In 2017 he was appointed as Coordinator of the Parliamentary Committee on the Status of Local Administrators. He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies after the 2022 general election for 'Fratelli d’Italia' Party. Publications: “Reati Bancari e societari” [Banking and Corporate Offences], Padova 1997; “Giustizia” [Justice] - (Guerini - Milano 1997); “Emergenza Giustizia” [Justice: an urgent priority] ( Guerini Milano 1999); “In attesa di Giustizia” [Waiting for Justice] (with G. Pisapia) (Guerini Milano 2010); “L’età dell’indulgenza” [The Age of Indulgence] (Guerini 2018); “Appunti di storia e di costume” [Notes on history and customs] (Treviso 2021); “Giustizia ultimo atto” [Justice: the last act] (Guerini Milano 2022). He wrote a crime novel: “Il festino di Baldassarre” (Milano 2004) and two historical novels: “Operazione Grifone” [Operation Griffon] (Mondadori 2014) and “Overlord” (Mondadori 2016). He translated and commented on the “Crainquebille” by A. France, (Liberilibri 2002). 

From 1992 until his candidacy in the 2022 general election, he was a columnist for the following newspapers: Il Gazzettino di Venezia, Il Tempo di Roma and Il Messaggero di Roma, where he also edited the cultural page on a weekly basis. He published about a thousand editorials, almost all of them on justice and its relations with politics. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the FONDAZIONE VENEZIA [VENICE FOUNDATION], the Board of Directors of the Einaudi Foundation and the Bioethics Committee of the local Health Unit of Treviso. He was the Chair of the jury of the CAMPIELLO literary prize in 2018 and 2019. He was awarded several prizes for legal and literary merits, including the Silone Prize, the Falcone and Borsellino Prize and most recently the Cimitile Prize in 2022. Foreign languages: French and English He has been married to Mariapia Manuel since 1978 and lives in Treviso. He devotes his spare time to classical music, reading, swimming and horse riding. He has two ginger hair cats: Rufus and Romeo Leonetto.