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Exploring Trusted Data Mechanisms and the Need for Future Interoperability

Data Protection in Practice
Innovative technologies and data protectionData protection in practiceAccountability, trust and certification
3:00 PM, Mercredi 19 Avr 2023 (1 heure)
BREAK   04:00 PM à 04:30 PM (30 minutes)
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna

As new data privacy regulations continue to emerge around the globe at the same time as digital transformation drives more business processes online, it's critical that there are trusted frameworks that allow companies to build trust and efficiently demonstrate compliance. This panel will dive into the EU Cloud Code of Conduct and discuss best practices for future interoperability between the EU Cloud CoC and other proposed frameworks.

Vice President, Chief Privacy Officer, Workday Inc.
Belgian Data Protection Authority
President of the Litigation Chamber - Member of the Executive Committee
SCOPE Europe srl
Head of Monitoring and Auditing, Legal Affairs
European Data Protection Supervisor
Detail de session
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