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Data Protection and Privacy Challenges with Quantum Computing

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2:00 PM, Mardi 18 Avr 2023 (1 heure 30 minutes)
BREAK (Tracks I, II & IV)   03:30 PM à 04:00 PM (30 minutes)
Research and Innovation

By exploiting the properties of quantum physics, quantum computing represents a fundamental paradigm shift. Recent advancements in this field are staggering and pose new challenges – some are predicting a dramatic threat to encrypted data and communication, bringing to a “quantum apocalypse”.

Actually, teleportation of information via entanglement could offer the highest security within a quantum information network. And in the short term, two alternatives could provide security: Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), based on the hardness of the mathematical constructions, and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), based on quantum physics.

After a recap of how quantum computing is impacting security, we will give you an overview on the next generation of communications infrastructures. We will also explain how to protect classical data and communications.


Laure Le Bars


Simone Capeleto


Davide Calonico


Mon statut pour la session


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