As Director, Alessandro helps coordinate the international activities of PrivacyRules, a global alliance now covering over 55 countries around the world with experts in law, cybersecurity and cybercrisis communications. In addition to coordinating activities, Alessandro researches and produces content and materials on privacy-related topics with an international perspective, such as his PrivacyEspresso podcast serie.
Sessions auxquelles Mr Alessandro Di Mattia participe
Jeudi 13 Juin, 2024
IntroductionImagine this: A multinational company grappling with an unexpected ransomware attack. Stakeholders are on edge, the clock is ticking, and swift decisions are paramount. This isn't just a test of your expertise, but also a measure of how well you can handle pressure, make crucial decisions with your team, and lead during chaos.Key Questions and objectivesThis is a unique dive into a cyber crisis scenario mirroring the comple...
Sessions auxquelles Mr Alessandro Di Mattia assiste
Lundi 10 Juin, 2024
Introduction The constant and rapid evolution of the digital landscape directly influences the roles and responsibilities of professionals tasked with safeguarding data privacy and ensuring regulatory compliance. This is especially highlighted by recent EU legislations, such as the Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Data Act, Data Governance Act, together with European Data Sp...
This study examines the varying interpretations of data portability across different legislative frameworks. While each jurisdiction labels the concept as “portability", the underlying understanding of what constitutes portability significantly differs. This divergence in conceptualization, rather than mere definitional variation, not only leads to substantial confusion, but also affects the enjoyment of rights and obligations of re...
Introduction Quantum technology progresses are challenging existing encryption technologies and will weaken data protection of electronic communications. This session offers invaluable insights to anticipate this evolution and stay ahead of the curve in protecting digital assets and preserving trust, by understanding the vulnerabilities of traditional cryptographic systems and explori...
The adequacy requirement plays a significant role in EU data protection law. The third country must provide adequate data protection to make personal data transfer free, i.e., treat the transfer as if it happens within the EU. A third country must pass the assessment conducted by the European Commission to do so. The doctrine describes the assessment as not transparent enough and influenced by the political background. There are few...
Introduction As Europe continues to strengthen its cybersecurity framework in response to evolving threats and challenges, understanding the intricacies of this legislative landscape is essential for org...
Mardi 11 Juin, 2024
Introduction Most companies perceive compliance with data protection regulations as a source of costs. This session will explore a new perspective: how to turn compliance into a source of economic and financial value creation, and how to move from cost to investment perspective. This session also focuses on the relationship between compliance efforts and their financial and economic e...
Introduction In an era of heightened regulatory control and evolving expectations, establishing solid compliance accountability mechanisms and transparent reporting practices is essential to build credibility. This expert-led session will explore the aspects of compliance accountability and reporting, offering insights into best practices, challenges, strategies, and solutions to enha...
Introduction The panel of this session will examine the dynamic interplay among various European Data Regulations, including the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Digital Services Act (DSA), Data Act (DA), Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), and Market in Crypto-assets Regulation (MICA). It will also focus on unraveling the complexities surrounding these regulations and offer insights into ov...
Introduction There has been an emerging innovative approach to marketing in the digital realm that utilizes the concept of privacy by design. In this session, attendees will discover this approach, especially regarding online marketing that prioritizes user privacy from the outset. From data minimization to transparent consent mechanisms, the speakers will unveil strategies for buildi...
Mercredi 12 Juin, 2024
Introduction Global challenges increasingly transcend national borders, which means that the development and adoption of codes of conduct offer a promising avenue for fostering cooperation, promoting ethical standards, and addressing shared concerns across diverse sectors. The speakers will explore the transformative potential of international codes of conduct, by providing real-world...
Introduction Data regulation is essential, not to mention critical, in the financial sector. With the introduction of key regulatory frameworks, such as the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MICA), and specialized tools tailored for DPOs, navigating compliance has never been more needed. With the industry experts in this session, gain ...
Introduction The speakers on this panel will embark on a comprehensive exploration of the diverse mechanisms available to safeguard data, such as Certification, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC), Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), and Codes of Conduct (CC). With the use of digital technologies and cross-border data flows, organizations and professionals face mounting pressure to adapt sa...
Introduction This session sheds light on the practice of data scraping, its implications, and its role in today’s data-driven landscape. Data scraping, which is defined as the automated extraction of data from websites, APIs, and other online sources, has emerged as a common practice for data gathering across various industries, which raises many questions such as consent for secondar...
Jeudi 13 Juin, 2024
Introduction Different EU regulations have adopted distinct provisions related to consent. This session will discuss the practical implications of consent management under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), GDPR, and ePrivacy Directive. Using examples, such as consent paywall implementation, the speakers on this session’s panel will explore how to navigate the complexities of ob...