As one of the two Deputy Directors of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Audrey Plonk is responsible for the OECD’s portfolio of work on digital policy that includes data governance and data flows, artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, security and safety online, and connectivity and infrastructure. She plays a leading role in overseeing and advancing evidence-based policy analysis on the drivers, opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in collaboration with policy communities and stakeholders. She also supports and represents the OECD in related international initiatives.
From 2019 to 2023, Ms Plonk served as Head of STI’s Digital Economy Policy Division. She was responsible for leading two OECD committees and six working parties across digital and consumer policy. She has successfully grown the OECD’s digital portfolio delivering a key Ministerial meeting in 2022, the launch of the Global Forum on Technology, and the Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities. Ms Plonk had previously worked on digital security issues in STI in 2007, including malicious software and the protection of critical information infrastructure.
Before returning to STI in 2019, Ms Plonk was Senior Director of Global Security Policy and Senior Director for Public Policy at Intel Corporation. During her more than 10 years at Intel, she led a global team of policy experts focusing on issues such as connectivity, data, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving policy issues. She also specialised in China cyber policy and advised Intel business and product teams on China strategy.
Ms Plonk, an American national, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University (Washington, DC, United States).
Sessions auxquelles Ms Audrey Plonk participe
Mercredi 12 Juin, 2024
Introduction Data protection and international trade are increasingly interleaved. The traditional doctrine consisted in dissociating the two topics. However, current WTO negotiations on electronic services highlight inherent connections and interdependencies between trade and data protection. The panel will explore how trade agreements and policies intersect with data protection fram...
Jeudi 13 Juin, 2024
Introduction This session will present views on the risks and opportunities associated with artificial intelligence, by giving the floor to senior experts and authorities from the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), European Parliament, Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libe...
Introduction All democratic regimes recognize both the need to protect fundamental rights of its citizens, while ensuring that authorities can enforce law and protect their citizens against threats, such as terrorist attacks. There is an increasing awareness of the need to balance public interest and fundamental rights. How do government agencies in democratic countries ensure the rig...
Introduction The UN, the Council of Europe and the OECD are all working on multilateral artificial intelligence norms and obligations. As AI technology continues to advance rapidly, the need for a cohesive global regulatory framework becomes increasingly apparent. In this session, the speakers will present the latest developments at an international level, with a special focus on the ...