Ms Antonia Carzaniga
Antonia Carzaniga is Counsellor in the Trade in Services and Investment Division at the World Trade Organization (WTO). She has worked in the WTO since 1998. She is responsible for the Council for Trade in Services, and deals, inter alia, with issues relating to electronic commerce, the movement of natural persons (mode 4), and air transport services. She has conducted many technical assistance activities focused on services trade and the disciplines of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, including for economies acceding to the WTO. Ms Carzaniga has published extensively on matters relating to trade in services, including by coordinating the WTO's 2019 World Trade Report "The Future of Services Trade", and has contributed to many expert fora, conferences and academic seminars. She holds an economics degree from Bocconi University, Italy, and Master's degrees from the College of Europe, Belgium, and the London School of Economics, United Kingdom.
Sessions auxquelles Ms Antonia Carzaniga participe
Mercredi 12 Juin, 2024
Introduction Data protection and international trade are increasingly interleaved. The traditional doctrine consisted in dissociating the two topics. However, current WTO negotiations on electronic services highlight inherent connections and interdependencies between trade and data protection. The panel will explore how trade agreements and policies intersect with data protection fram...