Ann-Charlotte Nygard
Ann-Charlotte Nygård is the Head of Sector, Data and Digital, at the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The Sector carries out work in amongst others the areas of data protection, on-line content moderation, artificial intelligence, and large-scale EU IT systems in the areas of borders and security. She is also representing FRA in the ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board. She has previously coordinated the Agency’s work in the areas of technical assistance and capacity building, making FRA’s expertise, findings, and opinions available to stakeholders through providing practical assistance, training, and support. She has extensive management experience and a solid understanding of various strands of FRA work, touching on for instance the right to asylum, protection in the event of removal, non-discrimination, anti-racism, and rights of the child.
Before joining the Agency she managed project teams in the areas of capacity-building and research, as well as inter-governmental policy dialogues to strengthen migration governance at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). She has also worked at the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT) in Nairobi, Kenya and at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
She holds a master’s degree in international relations, with a major in public international law and a specialisation in human rights law.
Sessions auxquelles Ann-Charlotte Nygard participe
Mardi 11 Juin, 2024
In 2022 and 2023, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) conducted 70 interviews with heads and staff members of the EU-27 national Data Protection Authorities. Through these interviews, FRA collected experiences, challenges and good practices when it comes to enforcing the GDPR. In this report, FRA 1. identifies common trends and difficulties across Member States, 2. showcases how difficulties can practically harm the effective implementation of DPAs’ mandate, and 3. presents close to 40...
Jeudi 13 Juin, 2024
Introduction This session will discuss the interplay between freedom of expression and content monitoring: How to find the balance between these two requisites. The speakers will review and discuss different models and approaches to find a harmonious balance between content moderation and the preservation of free speech, in addition to possible legal and ethical considerations to keep...