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Privacy and Democracy Interplay

Mon statut pour la session

11:00 AM, Lundi 10 Juin 2024 (1 heure 15 minutes)
Privacy and Democracy


In democratic societies, the protection of individuals’ privacy is closely connected to the preservation of civil liberties, which in turn highlights the essential role that privacy rights play in sustaining democratic principles and fostering civic engagement. This enriching session will focus on the multifaceted ways in which privacy and democracy intersect, shaping the aspects of discourse, governance, and participation in society. It will also give the floor to various high-level experts to present their views on the relationship between privacy and democracy. 

Key questions and objectives 

  • How do privacy and democracy interact with each other?
  • Can democracy exist without privacy?
  • Can privacy exist without independent and democratic oversight of government access to personal data?

Ms Marie-Laure Denis

Invité.e d'honneur

Mr Guido Scorza

Invité.e d'honneur

Dr Anna Colaps


Dr Shirin Ebadi


Ms Deirdre Mulligan


Mr Martin Chungong


Julie Brill


Mon statut pour la session


Detail de session
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