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Cross-Atlantic Data Protection Cooperation and Interoperability: Status and Next Steps

Mon statut pour la session

11:40 AM, Mardi 11 Juin 2024 (40 minutes)
International Cooperation


This session provides an in-depth analysis of the recent evolution and current status of cross-Atlantic data protection collaboration and convergence. It will discuss the challenges and opportunities for both regions to overcome their differences and develop common frameworks. The panel will consider the common interests and interdependencies of the two regions and their potential to set the basis of a privacy-compliant digital market.   

Key questions and objectives 

  • What progress has been made in fostering cross-Atlantic data protection cooperation, and what are the remaining key challenges? 
  • What are the results of different regulatory approaches between the EU’s GDPR and US privacy laws? 
  • What are the next steps? 

Dr Ulrich Kelber

Invité.e d'honneur

Ms Neema Guliani


Mr Bruno Gencarelli


Mon statut pour la session


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