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Biometric Data Compliance and Ethics

Mon statut pour la session

12:00 PM, Mercredi 12 Juin 2024 (1 heure)
Lunch Break at San Giovanni Evangelista   01:00 PM à 02:00 PM (1 heure)
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna
Socio-economic perspectiveInnovative Technologies


Biometric data is increasingly used for medical diagnosis, public safety, and home access controls. In the ever-evolving world of data protection and privacy, biometric data compliance and ethics stand at the forefront of the discussion. From fingerprint scans to facial recognition, it represents a unique set of opportunities and risks. This session explores the ethical considerations and compliance challenges faced when using this powerful technology. Attendees will gain insights into the legal frameworks surrounding biometric data use, ethical implications of its collection and storage, and best ways to ensure compliance.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the regulatory and ethical concerns associated with the collection and use of biometric data? 
  • How can these concerns be addressed effectively and responsibly? 
  • What legal regulations and compliance standards govern the use of biometric data? 
  • How does the foreseeable future of biometric data regulations look like? 

Mr Guido Scorza

Invité.e d'honneur

Ms Isabelle Landreau


Mr Nick Espinosa


Ms Mason Clutter


Mon statut pour la session


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