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Secondary Use of Data: Needs and Challenges

Mon statut pour la session

11:30 AM, Vendredi 14 Juin 2024 (45 minutes)
Health and Medical Data Compliance


This session will focus on the secondary use of data in the health and medical sector, with a special focus on the needs and challenges of practitioners, including in the medical research domain. From healthcare to research and beyond, the speakers on this panel will offer an insight into the evolving needs, barriers, considerations, frameworks, and challenges associated with using data for purposes beyond its original intent. They will also unlock the potential of data for secondary use, which presents both opportunities and pitfalls across various sectors.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • What are the main problems faced by professionals for secondary use of data in the health and medical sector?
  • What is the impact on medical research?
  • How can regulatory frameworks and models adapt to accommodate the legitimate needs of secondary use of data, while preserving the rights of the data subjects?

Ms Claire Francois


Ms Annalisa Trama


Giuseppe Fico


Mon statut pour la session


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