Ms Alessandra Pierucci
Alessandra Pierucci is a lawyer and has been working for several years at the Italian Data Protection Authority, in particular on EU-related and international matters.
She has been the Chair of the Council of Europe Consultative Committee of Convention 108 for three mandates of which she is still an active member.
She worked at the “Media and Information Society Division” of the Council of Europe where she dealt with data protection and freedom of expression in respect of new media and Information Society.
At European Union level, she contributes regularly to the activity of the European Data Protection Board, in particular by coordinating the work of subgroup on data protection in the financial sector.
She participated in several projects on data protection and gave legal advice in the field.
As part of her research activity, she has published several papers concerning fundamental rights and data protection issues on juridical journals and books. She has taught data protection in post graduate courses in some European universities.
Sessions in which Ms Alessandra Pierucci participates
Monday 17 April, 2023
Tuesday 18 April, 2023
For the 25th Anniversary of the Italian Data Protection Authority in September 2022 the Garante organised the “State of privacy” event, in Pietrarsa (Naples) where, in parallel with other thematic tables, the first Data Protection and Human Rights Roundtable explored the interplay of privacy and data protection with other human rights (State of Privacy...