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Sev Tok

Participates in 1 Session
Sev's new book, You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens, is her "coming out" about her ET contact since childhood. Sev is divulging her life-long secret to help the millions of people having ET contact, many of whom don't even know it! Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Sev came to America as a little girl. Her ET contact started in elementary school and continued for decades. She kept her ET experiences secret for 45 years, until 2017 when Greys marked her with a red X. This catapulted Sev into an emotional journey of discovery about who she is, who we are, and our role in the inter-galactic neighborhood. For over a decade, Sev has been speaking and writing about conscious creation, the multi-dimensionality of humans, inter-dimensional communication, how to communicate with ETs, and how to fulfill your life purpose. AlienCon Baltimore is Sev's first public appearance speaking about her ET contact. She lived in Baltimore City for 20 years and many of her ET experiences happened there. She recently moved to the Inner Banks of North Carolina, where she came face-to-face with Greys.For more information, or to contact Sev, visit

Sessions in which Sev Tok participates

Saturday 10 November, 2018

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:20 AM - 11:20 AM | 1 hour
Channeling, Unknown Dimensions, and the World BeyondASL Interpretation Provided