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ADD-ON SESSION — Group Regression: Remember Your Contact Experience and Bring Closure

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10:20 AM, Friday 9 Nov 2018 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Baltimore Convention Center - Viking Room (324-326)
Additional Ticket RequiredAbduction and Contact ExperiencesChanneling, Unknown Dimensions, and the World Beyond

To attend this session, you must purchase a separate ticket at Those without a ticket for this session will not be admitted. There will be no late entry once the session has started.

In this session, Caroline Cory will lead a group regression, allowing attendees to access memories of abduction and contact experiences. She will guide participants to the moment it happened, even if the conscious mind is unable to recall the exact time, location or circumstances. These sessions can shed light on a blurry event in the past, bringing relief and closure. This technique is not hypnotherapy. Rather, you remain conscious and clear the entire time as you simply relax into a guided meditation and tap into your own subconscious memories and repressed experiences.

Caroline Cory


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