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Is Artificial Intelligence An Existential Threat to Humanity? A 2019 Update

Abduction and Contact ExperiencesDisclosure, Cover-Ups, and GovernmentAncient Aliens Contributors
10:20 AM, Saturday 10 Nov 2018 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Baltimore Convention Center - Pioneer Room (318-323)
2019 is upon us and the Pentagon is pushing hard to program the brains of soldiers; military whistleblowers say they already have artificial cyborg enhancements; by 2030, only a decade from now, one-third of the U. S. work force will be replaced by robots, while more than a hundred lethal autonomous robot weapons are patrolling the North and South Korean border. MIT is spending $1 billion to create a College for Artificial Intelligence. But warnings are coming from many directions that A.I. “is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” as Elon Musk, CEO and Founder of Tesla and Space X, told a recent National Governors’ meeting. Emmy- and Peabody-Award-winning investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe will stun you with facts that lead unexpectedly to a revelation about the UFO and E. T. phenomenon.
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