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Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional, and Other Hypotheses: Understanding UFOs

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1:00 PM, Sunday 11 Nov 2018 (1 hour)
Baltimore Convention Center - Gemini Room (309-310)
Channeling, Unknown Dimensions, and the World Beyond
When UFOs were new to public awareness, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) was the dominant theory among those who believed the phenomenon was real and not from our civilization. The idea was simple: UFOs were “interplanetary” and belonged to beings with more advanced technology than we had. Over time, competing theories emerged to explain the extensive strangeness that accompanied so many UFO and encounter cases, ideas such as interdimensional entities, spiritually-based beings, projections of our own mind, strange natural phenomena, psycho-social explanations, and much more. Richard suggests that other beings are indeed here, and they may be from elsewhere, but the reality they represent is far beyond the reality we are accustomed to imagining.

Richard Dolan


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