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Giantology: Scientific Evidence for A Worldwide Culture of Giants in Prehistory

Ancient Astronaut Theory & Ancient Cultures
11:20 AM, Sunday 6 Oct 2019 (1 hour)
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center - Scorpius Room (C141/C143/C149)
Though giants were once thought just part of folklore, deep research into old documents, photo archives, newspapers, first-hand reports, and academic sources now suggests that they may have been a reality. Hugh Newman and his co-author Jim Vieira have collected over 2500 accounts of giant skeletons (between 7 feet and 25 feet tall) being unearthed around the world, raising countless questions about mainstream accounts of history. In this session, Hugh will discuss the mysterious origins of the giants and discoveries from around the world. He'll also preview revelations from his forthcoming book, The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain, including new DNA evidence that shows a lost legacy going back over 200,000 years.
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