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Earth Energies and Ley Lines: The Invisible Science of the Ancient Megalith Builders

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2:40 PM, Sunday 23 Jun 2019 (1 hour)
Los Angeles Convention Center - Meteor Room - #408
Ancient Astronaut Theory & Ancient CulturesAncient Aliens Contributors

Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? A super grid involving polyhedral forms, ley lines, earth energy currents, cymatics, and archaeoastronomical alignments? We now know that the world was surveyed by an ancient elite of astronomers, navigators, surveyors, and shamen who explored and mapped the earth in antiquity. This multi-media presentation unravels the secrets of the grid, forgotten sacred texts and ancient myths to give an answer as to who did it, why, and how it can help us today.

Hugh Newman


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