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Kevin Green

Maggie Keenan-Bolger
Kevin Green is an actor, writer and director from Connecticut who received an Associate of Arts degree in Theater from Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport, CT. A former co-founder and company member of Rebirth Theater Company, he worked on an original piece of theater titled Timeline, which addresses the African American role in the United States starting from 1400 to 2011. Kevin was also co-founder of Resonate!, a theater company that promoted, produced and performed local theatrical plays. As an actor, Kevin has performed in the Tina Landau directed production of Antony and Cleopatra at the Hartford Stage Company; as Ferdinand in The Tempest; as Gravedigger in Hamlet; and Florizel in The Winter’s Tale for the Capital Classics Shakespeare Festival in West Hartford, CT.

Now in NYC, Kevin has co-founded BRTW, because there is a need for the Black perspective in America today. Kevin hopes this company’s work will empower, uplift, and heal Black and other marginalized communities. Kevin is honored and privileged to work with this group of talented and smart individuals.