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Protecting Meaningful Consent: A Case for Why Love Potions Should Be Categorized as Unforgivable

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3:40 PM, Saturday 30 Jul 2022 (1 hour)
Orange County Convention Center - Flamel Room (W231ABC)

The muggle world may not have the myriad of benefits that come with the gift of magic. However, muggles are leading the charge in a global conversation that affects us all. Since the explosion of the #MeToo movement in the muggle world in 2017, largely driven by no-majs in the U.S., several of our magical friends have been buzzing about the similar struggles we face. As we discuss consent and equitable relationships, it's becoming clear that our casual attitude toward love potions is one of the most harmful and antiquated forms of consent repression used by magic folk. So many magic folk who identify as witches are passing down potion recipes as heirlooms. You'd think they were the descendants of Laverne de Montmorency for the love of Newt! If we are to truly live up to our moral code around meaningful consent, we should categorize love potions the same way we do the Imperious Curse: make them unforgivable. We will make a case for the banning of Love Potions and offer potential accountability measures for its use. We will look at similar libations, ingredients, and potions used by muggles and how the regulation or lack thereof has affected society.

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