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Death as a Symbol in Harry Potter

2:30 PM, Friday 4 Aug 2023 (1 hour)
McCormick Place - S103A

Death is everywhere in Harry Potter. But it goes beyond the major characters we lose. Death is what kickstarts the entire series, starting with the prophecy through to the end when Harry must accept his own death in order to save the lives of countless others. 

This talk will look at how death presents itself in the series – from character deaths to thestrals to ghosts and more. Through this lens, we can see how death is purposeful in moving the story along. As we move further into the series, it highlights the big divide between Harry and Voldemort: one accepts death, while the other is set out to conquer it. Yet death cannot be conquered, and it’s this difference that leads to Harry’s victory and Voldemort’s defeat.

First Years
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