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The Protego Foundation Presents: How to be an Activist, Fandom-style! – With Ellie Darcey-Alden

3:45 PM, Saturday 5 Aug 2023 (1 hour)
McCormick Place - S103BC

This panel delves into the nitty and gritty of what it takes to bring a fandom non-profit to life! Since 2015, The Protego Foundation has been at the forefront of animal rights in the Wizarding World, joining other Harry Potter fandom nonprofits such as the Harry Potter Alliance (now Fandom Forward), Potterhead Running Club, and Transfiguring Adoption in “fan activism,” the usage of fandom to advance a charitable cause. 

In one hour, members of The Protego Foundation’s leadership team and special guest Ellie Darcey-Alden will take attendees through a brief history of getting the foundation started, discuss what it means to be an activist in each of the four houses based on those houses’ notable traits, and share current foundation initiatives and programs. The panelists will then provide tips on how attendees can get started in fan activism by finding a niche, developing a cause to promote, and relating it all to one’s favorite fandom.

The Protego Foundation
Program Director
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