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Pottered Parents

10:00 AM, Sunday 6 Aug 2023 (1 hour)
McCormick Place - S103BC

As the Harry Potter generation begins to raise kids of our own, how are we going to introduce our children to the books we grew up loving so much? Are we, as an evolving and growing generation, comfortable with reading to our children that bullying peers is okay? What about following orders from someone in power, no matter what the cost? This discussion is for the parents of LeakyCon, whether you have older kids, or are just starting out on the parenting journey: how can we raise kind, confident, and capable human beings, but still introduce them to the books that defined our generation? We will collaborate ideas on how to have discussions with our children about difficult topics in the books: such as racism, abuse, and discrimination; and also look at different parenting styles modeled in the books and what we can take away from those examples and what we can throw away from those examples. Bring your parenting struggles, advice, and friendship among other Pottered Parents!

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