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Friday 22 May, 2009

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
1 hour, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

Gwen (Participant)

Aaron Maslanik (Participant)

Releasing a Record
1 hour 30 minutes, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Terrace Mezzanine

Paul DeGeorge, Harry and the Potters (Participant)

Matt Maggiacomo (Participant)

Jarrod Perkins (Participant)

Stacy Pisani (Participant)

Georgia Minnear (Participant)

Victoria Minnear (Participant)

Wizard rockers will discuss their methods for releasing CDs, from the homemade and self-burned to the professionally mastered and duplicated. This ...
Wand Making & Lighting
1 hour, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Stanbro Mezzanine

James Hinsey (Participant)

Come to this workshop to find out how you can make a wand of your very own from sticks and twigs you find in your backyard! You can even discover s...
So you Want to be on PotterCast?
30 minutes, 9:00 AM EDT - 9:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Arlington Mezzanine

John Noe, PotterCast (Participant)

Frankie Franco III, PotterCast (Participant)

Melissa Anelli, Mischief Management (Participant)

Sue Upton (Participant)

This is your chance! A panel of people "in the know" will discuss the mechanics of making a podcast, including software and advice on how to pull t...
Meeting for Chapter Organizers
1 hour, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Franklin, 4th Floor

Karen Bernstein (Participant)

Order of the Phoenix, Reading Group Style
1 hour 30 minutes, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - White Hill, 4th Floor

The Lily and Stag Inn Reading Group Staff (Participant)

The Lily and Stag Inn opened as the Reading Group area of the Leaky Lounge in April of 2006. The 30+ member staff facilitates small group discussio...
Scavenger Hunt Check In
1 hour, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Pub Hub

9:30 AM
9:30 AM

Boston Park Plaza - Stuart, 4th Floor

Debi Baron (Participant)

There are many parallels between the classic Yin Yang symbol and the sign of the Deathly Hallows. Both can be viewed as graphic representations of ...
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Podcast: SpinnersCast & AlleyCast
1 hour, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

AlleyCast (Participant)

SpinnersCast (Participant)

Lena Gabrielle, Emojiland (Participant)

Frak's Fun Sized Fan Art Factory
1 hour, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Stanbro Mezzanine

Frankie Franco III, PotterCast (Participant)

Frankie Franco III, also known as Frak, frequently makes you laugh while listening to PotterCast. He also draws those amazing doodles you see on Po...
Introduction to The Harry Potter Alliance
30 minutes, 10:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Franklin, 4th Floor

Andrew Slack (Participant)

The Chosen One: Love's Victory over Death
1 hour, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor

David James Gras (Participant)

Mr. Gras will present a roundtable that explores the correlation between Harry Potter as "the chosen one", "love's victory over death" and the "con...
Publishing Fantasy Post Harry Potter
1 hour, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Whittier, 4th Floor

Lisa DeGroodt (Participant)

Post Harry, it's a whole new world out there for fantasy authors. Writing a successful series takes great ideas, hard work, a lot of perseverance a...
Blood Drive
7 hours, 10:00 AM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Parking Lot

Give the gift of life and give blood. Minimum age of 16 (those 16 & 17 must have written parental permission). Stop by and give blood. It takes...
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Booking Shows and Promoting Your Band
1 hour 30 minutes, 10:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Terrace Mezzanine

Paul DeGeorge, Harry and the Potters (Participant)

Matt Maggiacomo (Participant)

Alex Carpenter (Participant)

Brian Ross (Participant)

Justin Edward Michaelman (Participant)

Steph Anderson, Tonks and the Aurors (Participant)

Booking shows is one of the most time consuming, work intensive, and potentially frustrating aspects of being a musician. Whether it be a single sh...
Wizard Rock Roundtable for Youth
1 hour 30 minutes, 10:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Arlington Mezzanine

Join some of your favorite Harry Potter bands to discuss how they started and what keeps them rocking. This informal gathering is a fantastic oppor...
Not In Harry's Name
30 minutes, 10:30 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Franklin, 4th Floor

Andrew Slack (Participant)

Lisa Valdez (Participant)

When Hermione found out that the food at Hogwarts was made by slaves, she tried to change that. Find out about getting involved in a new HP Allianc...
Filk Workshop
1 hour, 10:30 AM EDT - 11:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Stuart, 4th Floor

Nina de Boo (Participant)

MJ Harper (Participant)

Ann Skinner (Participant)

Join the co-creators of, Ann, Nina and MJ, as they explain the mysteries of the filk-writing and recording process! Audience parti...
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
The Hufflepuff in All of Us
1 hour, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

Sue Upton (Participant)

Hufflepuff house is the most overlooked house I believe in the Harry Potter series, yet the members of the house have always remained a quiet yet s...
Achieving Performance Perfection with Potter
1 hour, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Stanbro Mezzanine

Leah Cornish, Mischief Management (Participant)

This 90-minute program will work to develop improvisational and performance skills using the work of J.K. Rowling as a starting point. Beginning wi...
Darfur and Human Rights
1 hour, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Franklin, 4th Floor

Andrew Slack (Participant)

Karen Bernstein (Participant)

Haley Langford (Participant)

Brenna McCaffrey (Participant)

More than any thing else, the HP Alliance has and continues to work on ending the genocide in Darfur. Please come to this jam packed session to fin...
Muggle Magic: Have They Caught Up With Us?
30 minutes, 11:00 AM EDT - 11:30 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor

Ruth N. Roulston (Participant)

As Mrs. Weasley said, "Muggles do know more than we give them credit for." Professor McGonagall will explore this point to some extent, comparing a...

Boston Park Plaza - Whittier, 4th Floor

Lev Grossman (Participant)

Try this thought-experiment: What would Harry Potter's life have been like if Hogwarts were less like an English boarding school and more like an A...
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
The Deaf World in America and the Wizarding World: A Comparison
30 minutes, 11:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor

Ana Gondring (Participant)

This presentation will focus on comparing the wizarding world created by J.K. Rowling and the American deaf world. Both communities have sought out...
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Lunch Break
2 hours, 12:00 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Imperial Ballroom

John Green (Participant)

Cheryl Klein (Participant)

Join us for a very special lunch as we bring a prominent YA novelist and prominent YA editor Cheryl Klein together to discuss the writing process, ...
2:00 PM
2:00 PM

Boston Park Plaza - Imperial Ballroom

Maury Stein (Participant)

Andrew Slack (Participant)

Peter Gould (Participant)

Have you ever felt that Harry Potter and books in general have had the power to open your heart, and perhaps even the heart of the world?...
Nosh with the Nerdfighters & DFTBA Vol.1 CD Party
2 hours, 2:00 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

John Green (Participant)

Hank Green (Participant)

Books, Music, and Nerdfighters, oh my! Young Adult author John Green (Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns) and his b...
Live Sound & Recording (Hands On Training)
2 hours, 2:00 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Terrace Mezzanine

Matt Maggiacomo (Participant)

Justin Edward Michaelman (Participant)

John Pisani (Participant)

Adam Dubberly (Participant)

Steph Anderson, Tonks and the Aurors (Participant)

Brian Ross (Participant)

Panelists will provide hands-on training for aspiring wizard rockers and guide them through tutorials on setting up equipment for a live show, gett...
Fawkes as a Symbol of Faith and Resurrection
1 hour, 2:00 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Stuart, 4th Floor

Julia Katz (Participant)

Jo Rowling knew exactly what she was doing when she invented Fawkes the Phoenix. She cleverly uses the Egyptian and Christian cultural history of a...
2:30 PM
2:30 PM

Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor

Michelle Schultz (Participant)

The magical world J.K. Rowling created in the Harry Potter novels has some of the same issues as the Muggle world, issues such as poverty, war, and...
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
The Mythic Foundations of Fantasy
1 hour, 3:00 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Whittier, 4th Floor

Julie Hahnke (Participant)

Julie Hahnke, author of two fantasy novels, will explore the relationships between myth and fantasy in literature. She'll examine jointly what fant...
3:30 PM
3:30 PM

Boston Park Plaza - Stuart, 4th Floor

Jennifer Gentile (Participant)

Amanda Martinez (Participant)

Can't stop talking about Severus? Want to spend more time dissecting what makes your favorite good guys and the greatest bad guys tick? How about o...
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
We are Wizards Fan Screening
1 hour 30 minutes, 4:00 PM EDT - 5:30 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

Josh Koury (Participant)

Directed by Josh Koury, the We are Wizards documentary focuses on the Wizard Rock movement and how it developed into the vibrant community i...
Merchandise Sales
1 hour, 4:00 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Terrace Mezzanine

Your favorite Wizard Rock bands will be selling merchandise including CDs, T-shirts, and more. Be sure to stop by and get the latest music from you...
Frak's Fun Sized Fan Art Factory
30 minutes, 4:00 PM EDT - 4:30 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Arlington Mezzanine

Frankie Franco III, PotterCast (Participant)

Frankie Franco III, also known as Frak, frequently makes you laugh while listening to PotterCast. He also draws those amazing doodles you see on Po...
Jewish Values and Ethics in Harry Potter
1 hour, 4:00 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Thoreau, 4th Floor

Benjamin Beck (Participant)

This presentation will be on how to teach values and ethics in Harry Potter. Benjamin, who currently teaches Jewish values and ethics in Harry Pott...
The Wizard Rock Community
1 hour 30 minutes, 4:00 PM EDT - 5:30 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - White Hill, 4th Floor

Freya Fridy (Moderator)

Steph Anderson, Tonks and the Aurors (Participant)

Russ Benoit (Participant)

Paul DeGeorge, Harry and the Potters (Participant)

Lauren Fairweather (Participant)

Matt Maggiacomo (Participant)

Jarrod Perkins (Participant)

Dinah Russell (Participant)

Amy Snow (Participant)

The Wizard Rock Community is a panel discussion comprised of experts in the realm of wrock, including Stephanie Anderson of Tonks and the Aurors, R...
Author's Panel Open House
1 hour, 4:00 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Whittier, 4th Floor

Melissa Anelli, Mischief Management (Participant)

John Granger (Participant)

Julie Hahnke (Participant)

Lev Grossman (Participant)

Lisa DeGroodt (Participant)

Join us for a discussion with a talented group of Potter inspired authors. Authors will discuss their experiences, their books and take audience qu...
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
Youth and the HPA
30 minutes, 4:30 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - Arlington Mezzanine

Karen Bernstein (Participant)

Want to take the Harry Potter Alliance home with you? Become a Chapter Organizer by starting a local HP Alliance chapter in your school! Meet with ...
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Dinner Break
3 hours, 5:00 PM EDT - 8:00 PM EDT
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Harry, A History, Q&A
1 hour, 6:00 PM EDT - 7:00 PM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Plaza Ballroom

Melissa Anelli, Mischief Management (Participant)

An informal sit-down with the author of Harry, A History, Melissa Anelli. Come discuss the fandom, the phenomenon, and the book itself with Melissa...
8:00 PM
8:00 PM
Wizard Rock Night
4 hours, 8:00 PM EDT - 12:00 AM EDT

Boston Park Plaza - The Castle

Paul DeGeorge, Harry and the Potters (Participant)

Joe DeGeorge, Harry and the Potters (Participant)

Matt Maggiacomo (Participant)

Steph Anderson, Tonks and the Aurors (Participant)

Jarrod Perkins (Participant)

It's time to ROCK IT OUT! There will be a ton of dancing, singing and an abundance of love pouring out of the castle tonight. You can't beat the li...
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