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Friday 1 August, 2014

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Diversity in YA
49 minutes, 11:00 AM EDT - 11:49 AM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Laurie Halse Anderson (Participant)

Varian Johnson (Participant)

Alaya Dawn Johnson (Participant)

Cheryl Klein (Participant)

Malinda Lo (Participant)

We wondered what to say about this panel, as the title sums up what we think. We assume a lot of you agree. But how does this happen? What’s the re...
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
I Made You. You're Perfect.
50 minutes, 12:00 PM EDT - 12:50 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Gayle Forman (Participant)

Lev Grossman (Participant)

Lauren Myracle (Participant)

Stephanie Perkins (Participant)

Rainbow Rowell (Participant)

Authors make characters. Good ones. Bad ones. Anddreaaaammmy ones. But there’s a fine art to making a love interest. How do you make an ap...
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Writing the Tough Stuff
50 minutes, 1:00 PM EDT - 1:50 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Stephanie Perkins (Participant)

Lauren Myracle (Participant)

Varian Johnson (Participant)

Laurie Halse Anderson (Participant)

YA literature doesn’t shy away from hard topics. Sexual assault, death, substance abuse, eating disorders, violence, unplanned pregnancy…these are ...
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
"The Book Was Better": Having Your Books Made Into a Movie
50 minutes, 3:00 PM EDT - 3:50 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Laurie Halse Anderson (Participant)

Holly Black (Participant)

Gayle Forman (Participant)

John Green (Participant)

Robin Wasserman (Participant)

We’ve all seen movies based on books we love—but what’s it actually like to write a book and see it turned into a film? What’s the process? What ha...

Saturday 2 August, 2014

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
This Panel Is Graphic
40 minutes, 1:00 PM EDT - 1:40 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Holly Black (Participant)

Kazu Kibuishi (Participant)

Rainbow Rowell (Participant)

Scott Westerfeld (Participant)

It’s graphic novel time! How are graphic novels created? How do you balance the story and art? If adapting a novel, how do you make the leap from t...
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
The Process P*rn Panel
49 minutes, 2:00 PM EDT - 2:49 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A

LeakyCon Lit

Holly Black (Participant)

Lev Grossman (Participant)

Varian Johnson (Participant)

Malinda Lo (Participant)

Rainbow Rowell (Participant)

It’s time to get down and dirty and talk about how we do it. How do we write books? Outlines? Off the cuff? In order? In random sections? On...
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Geek to Screen: Turning Your Passion into Television
40 minutes, 3:00 PM EDT - 3:40 PM EDT

Orange County Convention Center - W110 A


Leah Cornish, Mischief Management (Moderator)

Adam Glass (Participant)

James Moran (Participant)

Robbie Thompson (Participant)

James Moran, Adam Glass, and Robbie Thompson turned their enthusiasm into careers writing geeky television shows. Join them to discuss how it all h...