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Hogwarts as a Home: a Rescue from the Storm

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4:30 PM, Saturday 11 Aug 2018 CDT (1 hour)
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center - Winged Keys Room (A304)
Fan-Led ProgrammingFandom

For many of us, Hogwarts is more than just another place we’ve read about. For many of us, muggle life is hard - from regular hard to impossibly hard, as we battle our own Dark wizards and Death Eaters who are every bit as terrifying, and every bit as damaging as their book counterparts.

In this panel, we share our own stories of how LeakyCon, our real-world Hogwarts, has become that home for us. We will provide a safe space for for attendees to share their real world fandom stories about what motivates them to make their epic journeys to find their way home, to find family, to find fandom, to find enlightenment, to find healing at the end of the world. How some have found a family worth living for, fighting for, and how transformative that has been in the real world. And lastly, to pass on their advice for living life as much as possible, and keeping the faith in the long months in exile before they get to return home again.

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