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Coming to Terms with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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3:15 PM, Friday 10 Aug 2018 CDT (1 hour)
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center - Divination Room (A115/117)
Fan-Led ProgrammingCursed Child
Did you want to love Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? Did you respond so negatively to something about that play – the plot, the characterizations, the writing – that you felt disappointed, angry, or betrayed? Some fans coped by declaring that Cursed Child is not canon. Others compromised by deciding to accept the staged play but not the written script. But some of us have found that it’s not so easy to put this unease to rest. It might be time to take another look at Cursed Child and see if anything can help resolve our conflicted feelings. We will begin with a close reading of portions of the script and move into audience discussion with a gentle, supportive atmosphere. Bring your questions and thoughts! If you wish you could feel more at ease about Cursed Child, this session is for you.

Lorrie Kim


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