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As basketball players from the local D1 university started getting opportunities to play professionally overseas and in the NBA, James O'Connor was able to use his 20+ years of employment law and litigation experience to educate and counsel young people navigate issues associated with becoming a professional: agent selection; contract negotiations; contract analysis; collective bargaining agreements; government bureaucracy; etc. 

Now that Student Athletes can receive compensation for Name, Image & Likeness ("NIL"), James has a new reason to consult with Student Athletes and their support networks.  He created "The ABC's of NIL" to be a straightforward and easy to digest presentation that will educate all relevant stakeholders (Student Athletes, Coaches, Administrators and Boosters) on the new rights available to all NCAA and NAIA Student Athletes. Each "ABC's of NIL" program can be customized to a specific school (or team). James welcomes the opportunity to present the program to desired audience in person or via video conferencing.    

For a sample of the ABCs of NIL, check out the podcast at the link below:

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