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Julie Hruska

CEO & Certified High Performance Coach

Julie Hruska is a High Performance Coach, Strategist, and Trainer with a certification from the prestigious High Performance Institute as well as a master’s degree in education and over 2500 hours of training in yoga, meditation and mindfulness, Julie has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve unprecedented success.

As the founder of Powerful Leaders LLC, Julie's mission is to awaken, empower, and inspire people to become the best versions of themselves. She specializes in guiding clients to perform at their optimal levels by mastering their mindset, upleveling their skillsets, and developing high performance habits across all areas of life. 

Julie's expertise empowers individuals and teams to break through any obstacles that are preventing them from achieving success. Beyond her work with individuals, Julie is a sought-after trainer who has worked with top executives and companies to develop high performance cultures that lead to increased engagement, optimized performance, and company growth.

Catalyst is Julie's signature team building system for athletic teams. Based on powerful data and current research on high performance teams, Julie designed a game changing workshop with dynamic follow up sessions that enables athletic teams to develop championship programs, accelerate team cohesion, and create empowering team cultures. Julie’s customized workshops bring coaches and players together to co-create a team vision, core values, and vigorous commitments to ensure excellence both on and off the court. When your team implements CATALYST, you will ignite victories and create champions.