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Classroom Clinic: Facilitating Uncomfortable Conversations With the CPR Protocol

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PDS Clinic
13:00, Saturday 6 Apr 2024 (1 hour)
PDS Clinic
Success in athletics often hinges on our ability to perform as a team. Every successful program manages to get coaches, players, and support staff working together on the same page. Quality teams build strong relationships and promote good communication. When difficult conversations occur, as they undoubtedly will, a leader’s ability to respond often makes all the difference. The consequences of mishandling difficult conversations can range from explosive conflicts to silent rebellions. At the very least they can end up being missed learning opportunities for everyone involved. If you are looking for ways to grow your skillset outside of just Xs and Os, join A Long Talk founders, Kyle and Kamal, for some real talk and real world practice time learning to use the CPR Protocol to challenge and redirect problematic conversations in and around your locker room.


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