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Pass or Fail? Do Behavior Evaluations for Shelter and Rescue Dogs Pass the Test?

Track B
11:30 AM, Monday 1 Apr 2019 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Lunch    01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
For years the debate has raged about whether or not formal canine behavior evaluations in the shelter are an important tool necessary to safely place dogs into new homes.  Proponents of performing evaluations would say they are the best way to determine if an animal is suitable for placement in the community.  Detractors argue that evaluations can’t reliably predict how a dog will behave in a new home.  And, of course, as is the case with many controversial topics, countless opinions and positions in between abound. In this session, our expert panelists, Katenna Jones and Kristen Collins will explore the pros and cons of behavior assessments, explain what the research has to say and discuss ideas for building the best possible behavior profiles for your dogs.  Whether you work at a shelter or with a rescue group that performs formal behavior evaluations or not, this session is a must see for anyone rehoming or rehabbing dogs.
Jones Animal Behavior
Owner, Behavior Consultant
ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center
Vice President
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