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The Problem With Messaging: How Our Words are Holding Us Back & How We Can Do Better

9:30 AM, Dimanche 16 Avr 2023 (1 heure 15 minutes)
Vendor & Exhibitor Break   10:45 AM à 11:15 AM (30 minutes)
Crowne Plaza Warwick - Grand Ball Room

Animal sheltering in the U.S. has a messaging problem. Current messaging stokes divisions amongst those who work in animal welfare, and between us and members of the communities we serve. We are often communicating in ways that divide people and repeat old messages that no longer align with our realities and values. Often, we don’t even realize how the things we are saying impact not only our work for animals and the community, but the impact these messages have on animal welfare organizations across the country. In this session we explore why messaging problems are happening and how our organizations’ messages shape the realities we experience every day. We will look at common messaging - from well-known slogans to the ways we describe the people and communities we serve and support - and how words can be a powerful driver in supporting or undermining our programs and mission. You will hear about the work of the Evolution of Animal Welfare Task Force (EAWT), including research and efforts to find solutions to our collective messaging challenges. We will discuss the tools and resources developed by EAWT to communicate in ways that build connections, support our programmatic efforts, and promote the human-animal bond.

Potter League for Animals
Chief Executive Officer
Wisconsin Humane Society
President & CEO
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