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How to Tend to the Human Side of the Human-Animal Bond

1:15 PM, Samedi 15 Avr 2023 (1 heure)
Vendor & Exhibitor Break   02:15 PM à 02:45 PM (30 minutes)
Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track A - Ocean

Trauma-informed care is the belief that the individual you are providing care to has experienced some sort of trauma in their past. Families can often be experiencing trauma, personal crisis and other mental health barriers when they come into your shelter. This trauma can be activated while at the animal organization and the professionals are not trained in how to approach or manage this, and in return can have lasting effects on the staff and families in a negative way. We will discuss coping techniques, how a veterinary social worker can be utilized, and what your role is.

Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville: Program for Pet Health Equity
Director of Veterinary Social Work
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